Bollywood most beautiful star Aishwarya Rai Bachchan made an impressive comeback with Sabjay Gupta's 'Jazbaa' in this year. The film, in which Ash played a role of a tough lawyer is praised by her fans, which have got neutral reviews from the critics.
According to Indian report, the gorgeous actress is back to work big time. Currently, Ash starts shooting for Karan Johar's latest debut 'Ae Dil Hai Mushkil' with handsome Ranbir Kapoor at Vienna. Many pictures of Ash and Ranbir’s shot are available on the internet so widely.
Anushka Sharma
is also in the film as one of the leads beyond Pakistan hottie Fawad Khan in a vital role. Director Karan Johar also revealed that this movie is not about ‘Doosra Admai’, its have original characteristics.
Karan Johar tweets
Karan Johar tweets
Night shooting!! Me posing while Ranbir being intense!!! #AeDilHaiMushkil